

Operating Theatre

•    Our main operating theatres are open 24 hours. 
•    We accommodate inpatient surgeries, day surgeries and emergency surgeries. 
•    A team of highly trained nurses will be with you and monitor your care throughout and after the surgery. 
•    Experienced specialist consultant surgeons do a variety of surgeries from minor surgeries to more complex surgeries.

Day Surgery 

Our operating theatres also facilitates Day Surgery. Day Surgery allows you to be admitted to hospital for surgery or a procedure and be discharged home on the same day. The following surgeries are available as day surgery packages. 

General Surgery

•    Breast Lump Removal
•    Carpal tunnel surgery
•    Haemorrhoidectomy
•    Herniotomy
•    Hydrocelectomy 
•    Laparoscopy

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

•    Cervical Cerclage
•    Hysteroscopy
•    D&C/D&E/ ERPC
•    Laparoscopic Dye test
•    Laparoscopic LRT
•    Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst drilling
•    Posterior repair surgery

Minor Surgeries

•   Circumcision
•   Cyst/Callosity/Lump/ Overgrown nail removal
•   Suturing